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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sticking to my guns

When I last wrote I was determined to set aside time to consistently cook for my family for many reasons:  I love to cook, it's better use of our funds and its a great family time to share my love of cooking with my daughters.

 I went to the grocery store with a list in hand.  I "planned" on cooking Chicken Fried Steak for supper on the night my hubby returned from a week long business trip but he insisted he would "treat" me to a night on the town.  We went back and forth and I finally succumbed to his offer and we went out.

The next morning I was determined!  We would have a home cooked meal on our table that evening if I had to get my drift.  As soon as my 13 year old daughter came in from school she jumped right in to help me with preparations.  The dinner was absolutely wonderful with one exception: I am not capable on my own accord nor with the help of a pictorial cookbook for crying outloud to competently make white gravy!  Everything was wonderful except the white gravy.  So thankful for my handy dandy jar of brown gravy in the pantry:)

Another new recipe I was excited to try that night was first introduced to me at our church's small family group.  We meet every Friday and each bring a dish and share our food, enjoy some fellowship and then have a short  interactive bible study.  I really enjoy my Friday nights with my church family group.

This next recipe was made by my friend Sunne and it was a huge hit at family group.  Are you dying to know what it is? Well it's simple, but oh so delish!  I found it in the Pioneer Woman's cookbook and it is called Olive Cheese Bread.  We don't like olives so my bread just consisted of french bread loaf, mayo, shredded cheese, green onions and butter.  When I tell you it was amazing, I am understating the obvious.  It actually tasted like a loaded baked potato to my family.  Next time (and there will be a next time) we will add bacon bits and see how that taste.

Now that I am getting into the swing of things, I got up this morning, a Saturday of all things, and made kolaches for the family.  As I begin to make preparations for bedtime, I smile at the aroma of the pot roast that has been cooking all-day-long on my stove.  I can't wait to serve that for lunch tomorrow after church for my gang of nine.

With a smile and a happy heart,


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