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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Out of the mouths of ...pre-teens!

This should put a smile on your face.  My 13-year-old daughter came home from school and was complaining about how sore she was from the "conditioning" exercises they were forced to do in P.E.  She said one particular movement was called herpes!  Now, talk about get your mother's attention!  My head spun so quickly it nearly fell off and I watched as she demonstrated the movements.  I am scratching my head and asking repeatedly, "Are you sure it's called herpes?"  Yes, yes, yes.  The answer always the same until her sister walked in and began demonstrating the movement.  I asked her what it was called and she said, "burpees."  Whew!  I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that.  I then had to explain what "herpes" actually was and I thought their eyes were going to fall out of their sockets.  Oh, I love innocence.

With never a lack of entertainment with my family, yesterday, as we were eating at Olive Garden with my mother, the conversation somehow came around to the term, "waist."  My 12-year-old daughter asked where that was located?!  I said, "Excuse me, you are a banner roll student, and you don't know where your waist is?"  We laughed, of course, but truly I was stunned - even beyond stunned!  Then, it dawned on me.  This generation doesn't  wear  anything within 6 inches of their waist so it's no wonder they didn't know where it was!  Is that an excuse?   Nah!  I can guarantee, we had Anatomy 101 when we got home and then we had a belly fully of laughs.

With a smile and a happy heart,


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